Official BMW Club Member Club
The BMWMCC Incorporated (the Club) is affiliated with the Council ACT Motor Clubs (CACTMC) and granted authority to operate a concessional registration scheme (CRS). More information on the CACTMC and Communique (newsletters) can be found on the Council website
The BMWMCC can only accept CRS applications from ACT registered motorcycles and residents.
The CRS is only available to current and continuous financial members of the Club for BMW motorcycles. The registered vehicle owner must meet and maintain all of the following criteria to hold CRS for their motorcycle:
The Owner of the motorcycle (ie: person listed on registration paper) must be a current financial member of the Club and:
The Club must notify ACT Urban Services whenever a member holding CRS with the Club is unfinancial - even a short lapse! So renew your membership before 28 February annually.
Motorcycles that qualify for concessional registration with the BMWMCC include:
The Club has appointed a number of 'inspectors' for the purpose of establishing CRS eligibility and listed on this page . It is the owners responsibility to arrange for the inspection of their motorcycle:
BMWMCC Registrar & CACTMC Delegate | Garry Smee | | 0400 264 372 |
Inspector (South) & (alternate) CACTMC Delegate | Mike Kelly | | 0416 291 996 |
Inspector (North) |
Cam Major | | |
The CRS motorcycle owner has the sole responsibility for ensuring that their motorcycle is road worthy in all respects. The BMWMCC is only inspecting and attesting to the CRS eligibility of the motorcycle. If the owner has any concerns they should consult a competent and authorised mechanic. The BMWMCC will keep and required to share information on the owner and motorbike details to CACTMC and ACT Government Access Canberra who in-turn will share this information as required (eg: ACT Police and interstate roads authorities).
Detailed requirements are available on the Access Canberra website
The owner is liable for any application fees and costs associated with CRS registration
This is a summary of legislative requirements for ACT owners of CRS applicable motorcycles. The legislation and Access Requirements take precedence and the correct requirements where there is ANY discrepancy. Please contact the Club if you identify and error.
The ACT has introduced a 60 day scheme of personal use for CRS vehicles. Each 'day' starts at 0001 and ends 2359, so an overnight ride is 2-days irispective of distance travelled.
The owner can also use their motorcycle on any endorsed/publicised club ride. This is UNLIMITED (days use) and those listed on What's On and in addition to the 60 days personal use.
Each and every use must be recorded in the official Access Canberra logbook purchased at the time of initial registration (owner expense) and lasts for 5 years.
Hold and Use a Log Book
As the owner of a concessionally registered vehicle having ensured your motorcycle is roadworthy and has current concessional registration must obtain and use a logbook to record each and every use of your motorcycle.
This logbook record serves two purposes: it is a requirement of the concession granted by ACT Urban Services and provides a record of when, what for and how far you have used your concessionally registered motorcycle.
You must carry your log book on the motorcycle. In the event that you are challenged the logbook can be produced to substantiate the use of the vehicle. To meet this requirement, entries in the logbook must be legible in ink, for each day, and include:
Veteran, Vintage & Classic Motorcycle Club ACT
The Veteran, Vintage & Classic Motorcycle Club has extended an invitation to ALL CRS owners to participate in their Club activities You must record, carry and use your log book. This invitation is posted to the BMWMCC club website.
The Club does not currently meet the requirements of the NSW Roads & Maritime Services to register CRS motorcycles in that state.
Contact the Veteran, Vintage & Classic Motorcycle Club ACT.
Do not abuse this concession, it is a privilege not a right and misuse
can affect the 1200+ owners of CRS vehicles in the ACT.
The Club does not currently meet the requirements of the NSW Roads & Maritime Services to register CRS motorcycles in that state.
Contact the Veteran, Vintage & Classic Motorcycle Club ACT.
Do not abuse this concession, it is a privilege not a right and misuse
can affect the 1200+ owners of CRS vehicles in the ACT.